Cotton/Rayon tipped applicator sticks to clean Tascam 388 Studio 8 tape heads


New member
Just picked up some 6" Dynarex Sterile Cotten Tipped Applicators form a local medical supply store where I got 99% Isopropyl Alcohol to clean my recently aquired Tascam 388 Studio 8.

My concern: I'm hopeless - hahaha no seriously, will the Rayon cause problems. I'll probably try anyway so :wtf:

- Kevin

1st post
If it's just like 10-15% should be fine. 100% Cotton is just softer and more absorbant.
Nice thing about Cotton/Rayon is it won't shrink as much when you put it in the laundry. Yeah, seriously it's fine. Gee, I wish I had a local media store near me. Where do you live, 1989? Wish I could move there. :)
Hit it with the ancient unused ampeg 457 reel that came with the purchase and guess what?

Yes. I'm hoping its SSS. Squeal to no movement with some residue after 15 mins.

Ordered some LPR35 from fullcompass.