Cool website for songwriters and singers....

Pacifica604w said:
Hey...... I'm loyal to Home Recording but its no reason to not seek more right??

Infidel, All other bbs's are false bbs's. There is but one bbs, and Dragon is its admin.
I got an idea... Why don't we go there, spam all over the place to tell them that There is but one bbs, and Dragon is its admin. MrQQ got my vote to be the first volunteer... go on QQ... :p

This one's pretty cool too...

This one's pretty cool too, you can submit a song (if you have an MP3 of it)and you get a pretty good review back within a couple of weeks...



Like it or not...I will check out these two new websites...if bbs is that good..then do not will keep its followers....but to put your search for all areas of musical creativity on hold...seems a bit LOT
absurd....and for info of all kinds...I think it is infantile to wish spam on a site..
why are you afraid of the competition ? That is what keeps this business going..and going..and going...and going==========================
Any guitar players out there..? Do you only use one music store...or do you check the competition out to make sure your favorite store is keeping up with the newest in guitars and are not unloyal to look....and if the place you love is not up to par...tell the guy !
He would like to know what changes will keep HIM on top... :D That is
the world of business..................EURT.........................................