cool new fender strat

lmao...sorry ..i won't dirty up the place with anything else io might find to not get everyone all freaked out...

andydeedpoll said:
that is Awful. and the worst thing is that someone has actually thought 'i tell you whats cool than a bright red guitar, and thats a bright red guitar with a big white arrow on it...!'

This Was Not An Accident, is what i Think i'm trying to say. no one accidently drove over this guitar, and left it looking like that. no one spilt paint on it, or used it as a coffee table. i mean, i could even understand if someone had decided to give it a go, and then realised their mistake and Not tried to sell it. i can imagine, in a couple of years time, when a couple of these instruments have been based about a bit and people are buying/selling them for parts, people selling Other guitars will put "don't worry, these tuners/ pickups/whatever did Not come from the god-awful red and white monstrosity.



I'll post a pic once I get it :D :p
mshilarious said:
It's going to be my Xmas present :) I think with a coil tap and a trem it might be the perfect surf guitar.
I would not try to mount a vibrato in a Korean basswood body. Too soft. Might work, but it's risky. You can stick your fingernail right into this wood. A lot of shakin' and it's going to loosen up at the screws. Basswood is a good tonewood, but it's almost like balsa on some of these.

The actual workmanship on these Cor-Tek Fenders is better than US or Mexican FMIC-built Fenders, but the materials Fender contracts for them are not.
Actually, that's a classic hot-rod paint job (from the famous SoCal Speed Shop) using the original early 50's Corvette color scheme. I'm surprised I haven't seen Jimmy Vaughn using one yet, as it would go very well with his 50's inspired bowling shirts. Not my cup of tea, particularly, but neither are the Wild Cats with the flames, or just about any Gretsch electric. You wanna talk ugly? What about those damn White Falcons or White Penguins everybody seems to be willing to give their right nut for? Jeeez!

And to give somebody negative rep for posting a picture of a guitar? What is this, junior high? Actually, most of the junior high kids who are on here have more class than that. :mad:
Hard2Hear said:

What about all those basswood Ibanezes and Charvels with Floyds on em?
I was assuming, as a user modification, a surface-mount Bigsby. I definitely wouldn't do it on these.

Go ahead, though. Be my guest.
bongolation said:
I was assuming, as a user modification, a surface-mount Bigsby. I definitely wouldn't do it on these.

Go ahead, though. Be my guest.

I looked at that, but Bigsbys are expensive, plus I'd need a new bridge too, and then that might be up too high, so maybe I'd have to shim the neck :confused: :eek: That's getting too involved.

No, I was thinking of the standard Strat-type trem. I don't have a router, so I guess I'll have to hire that out. At least the parts are cheap :o

Along the way I had a clever idea for spring-loaded string retainers as a trem mechanism, but I'm not much of an inventor. I'm more of an idea rat, to quote Ratbert :o
I think that looks SUPER cool! I wouldn't play it myself because when you get something like that out of your case, your playing has to be SHIT HOT ... and I'd embarass myself! But in the right hands that could be a really cool guitar. It's definitely a Fender design ... if Ibanez had done it, it'd have one of those cool drop-D bridges and 3-a-side headstock.

If anything, Fender haven't hot-rodded it enough ... hit me with a roller nut, sperzels and some kinda awesome bridge, and I'll hit you with a really cool guitar ... i.e., that one, but with the roller nut and the sperze.... oh, never mind. :mad:
OMFG!! AHHHHHHHGGHGHHG!!! You heartless BaSTARD!! You eye raping emotionless craven fucktard!! I can BELIEVE You would like that Guitar!! And then to POST IT!!! RAPE! I say RAPE!! You didn't even give me a chance to LIVE before you took my innocence!! Did you?? satan worshipping eye socket gouging bad taste HEATHEN!!
Fuck you and your soul cruNching 'Guitar'!

Actually I quite like the guitar. I would pick it up in a music store and play it. What if it sounds good?
Here it is, boys and girls, the So-Cal :cool:

I pulled the pickup to coil tap it, turns out winding a pickup isn't all that much fun, I got about 2/3 of the way through one coil and only measured 1.7K ohms. :( Hopefully I'm actually only halfway done :confused:

I did drop in a switched pot already, so it's all ready for series-parallel fun! I think I'll pad the series wiring so the volume is the same :)

I also have a Strat trem to mount, but I'll practice that on scrap wood first :o

It's a real nice neck with a very glossy finish. I thought briefly about swapping the neck just so the finish wouldn't get damaged, but that ain't the kinda fella I am.

Finally, the nut is crap, the slots are way too deep, so I got a graphtech nut and string retainers (not mounted yet).

Dunno how it sounds plugged in, since my Peavey RAGE mod isn't done yet (been gathering parts, more to come soon!), I stripped off the pickup right away. Acoustic sound seems like the typical Fender.
So ......... you bought it and started ripping it to pieces before even plugging it in??? :confused: You and I are very different people ;)
noisedude said:
So ......... you bought it and started ripping it to pieces before even plugging it in???

Yes. Note that I have nothing to plug it into at the moment. See this thread for details:

Anyway I rewound that first coil, nearly done and I think it's a much better job than my first attempt. The pickup should be completely reassembled by Tues or so, I'm waiting on some 4-conductor wire.


You and I are very different people ;)


Note the Peavey RAGE! will probably be coming to JamFest. Not the So-Cal though, I fear for its safety :eek: