Cool Edit 2.1 how do I go about it...some peeps have told me that it's probably something with my 'mic in' or 'line in' thing under sound properties or something...well I checked...and I don't even have a slider for 'line in' I dunno.
First, you need a soundcard that can playback and record at the same time. Do you have that?

Next, you have to set up Cool Edit in Options>Settings so that it plays and records through your soundcard's channels correctly. That's pretty simple.

Then you have to record something, probably one track at a time. You arm a track by, first, selecting the channel you want to record through - you do that by clicking on the little 'Rec' button to the left of the track and then selecting the channel you want. Then you click the little red 'R' button just above it - that arms the track. Then you click the red record button down below in the transport controls at the bottom of the screen - that starts the actual recording. When you finish recording, click stop. Disarm the track by clicking on the 'R' button again. The color of the track will change. Then save your track.

Then record your next track by following the procedure I've just described. If your soundcard can handle it, and if you've set Cool Edit up right in Options>Settings, you will hear the first track you recorded while you're recording your new track. Ta-da!

You can also import a track into Cool by using the Insert menu at the top of the screen. If you do that, you don't have to record anything, you just have to save what you'v imported. Then you can record other tracks while you're listening to the imported track. Collaborate!
Depending on your operating system you can also try opening the volume controls, click on options - properties and choose recording and in the box below (before you click ok) see if you have mono and stero options and if you do, you do not want these to be checked.