Convertor choice and q's

take your pick and tell why

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New member
budget increase so i'm getting new equip
these interfaces

echo layla 3g
echo audiofire 8 (or 12 maybe later)
tascam fw-1804
presonus firepod
motu 828mkII (kinda out of budget but possible)
my main concerns are below in order on importance

1. convertors
2. number of inputs (4 I/O min)
3. word clock to sync up with other devices later
4. adat lightpipe
mic pres are not a problem i have external ones

software is sonar 4pe

i want you guys opinions on these interfaces
my studio mainly does tracking and mixing only
not much production and some audio transfer (adat to omf etc)

ok let the .02's start flying
i voted for the echo layla 3g because i want one myself. i think it hs better value for you over the firepod because you already have preamps. no point in paying for more. the audiofire seems expensive.
None of the above...

EMU 1820M... From what you've said, it sounds like this unit has all you want. ...and really good A/D converters.
I'd go with the E-mu as well. The only reason I would not go with it is its lack of multi-card support. I use mine with Sonar 3 Producer on a daily basis and it works brilliantly.
i go with the Layla 3g because is that I have, I have no problems so far (i have it about 3 months) and it sounds wonderfull and low latency..
it also has 2 preamps and they are silent enough and doesnt colour the sound...
fenderlady said:
Does the 1820 M color the sound?
If you mean the convertos, no, I find the convertors on the 1820M to be transparent.
THe pres are OK, and are transparent as well.

If you REALLY want good convertors, go for Mytek, Lavry, or te new Lynx Auroras...... :) that's what I'm saving my pennies for....
fraserhutch said:
If you mean the convertos, no, I find the convertors on the 1820M to be transparent.
THe pres are OK, and are transparent as well.

If you REALLY want good convertors, go for Mytek, Lavry, or te new Lynx Auroras...... :) that's what I'm saving my pennies for....

Are the Aurora's supposed to be as good as Mytek and Lavry?
NL5 said:
Are the Aurora's supposed to be as good as Mytek and Lavry?
I'm trying to locate a unit to AB. I have heard excellent things about them, but I don't know firsthand. There are some threads on gearslutz,, et al where they are getting raves.
fraserhutch said:
If you REALLY want good convertors, go for Mytek, Lavry, or te new Lynx Auroras...... :) that's what I'm saving my pennies for....

Or the Lucid 9624 AD. It's only 85,000 pennies! And I spotted one in the Bear's studio!