Converters question....


New member
Hello, I've had my little setup for a couple years now, and just started getting serious about setting money aside and upgrading it. One thing I never really looked into was a/d converters, or d/a, so really don't know much about them. Everything I read says it's the biggest improvement you can make to your DAW. I personally don't think my setup now sounds bad, but then again I haven't heard anything besides that.

I currently use an Edirol DA-2496, if I were to get lets say an Apogee converter, would I plug direct (guitar or something) into it and negate the Edirol unit? I doubt it because then there wouldn't be anything taking the load off of the CPU, but I thought I'd ask. I'm assuming I'd go into the converter, then Edirol, then comp... Why would I need a/d or d/a conversion?

Much thanks for the help, I tried searching this, but didn't really find anything explaining it at this level. Arigato!
It might be the biggest improvement to your DAW but sound treating your room may be the biggest improvement to your sound. Food for thought.

Converters do just what they say, the convert an analog signal into digital. You still will need to boost your signal to line level with some sort of pre amp.
Some converters come with pre amps(like your Edirol DA-2496), Apogee has one called the mini-me. Make sure you try out what your buying before hand to insure the boost in quality is worth the investment.
Hey all. I'm not really new. Use to come here all the time, but puter, and all me gear was stolen about a year ago. Had a ton of rep points, too, but figured I'd start fresh.
Anyway, I just wanted to second that "treat your room" comment. Was absolutly the best upgrade I've done so far. There is nothing else I've done that has made a bigger difference. NYMorningstar speaks words of wisdom.
Thanks for all the advice! My next question is how would the signal chain go? Would it be preamp, converter, recording unit? Also, what connections would you use? Last question! Let's say I'm using like my Da-2496 which has that all in one, would I even be able to hook up an external converter? Thanks again!