Contract for Studio Services


New member
Does anyone ever use a contract when recordng another artist? You know, using your studio, being sound engineer, and producer (even adding instruments to the finished product), do you put your studio in the credits? "Produced and Mixed by......." How would you react to an artist who was upset with the about credit included? What do you do with an artist who accuses you of "trying to steal their song" because you've applied correct studio credit?
It depends. If your just doing this semi-pro making demos and such, then you should give credit to your work. I put my business name on the CD's I produce for good advertising. I never have had a gripe over it though.
You are entitled to "Engineering and Mixing" credits but a Producer credit is a bit more involved and should be agreed upon before hand.
It was a demo (for a friend to boot), which I also did part of the music <go figure>. Guess next time I'll be more clear about it up front, though not going to work with this particular person again.
Thanks for the input!
It was a demo (for a friend to boot), which I also did part of the music <go figure>. Guess next time I'll be more clear about it up front, though not going to work with this particular person again.
Thanks for the input!
i don't. i think that contracts are for record label deals and stuff like that. what i do, do is make them sign an agreement. all it is really is a list of the studio's rules, stuff that the artist can and can not do and stuff like: "if you should brake anything in the studio, then you will be responsible for it." then i make them sign.
