continuity in a mix


New member
Do most of you go for the same sounds on any given single project. What I mean is, lets say the drums. Do you try to make all of the drums sound basicly the same (as in tone, not patterns or fx's) Like it is one kit, one drummer for the whole album. In a band you do have the same drummer with the same kit. At least I allways did, the few times we made it into a studio. I use electronic drums for now and I am allways tempted to just stop trying to make them sound real and go for a bunch of different sounds and feels. I also think that in a alternative rock format that might be distracting slightly. Anyway what are your thoughts an/or experiences? I have been playing in bands and stuff most of my life, but I have never made a cd on my own. I am about to go for it though. This same line of thinking also goes for the bass and basic guitars. I hope some of this incoherent rambling makes sense :D

i think the drum sounds should fit the song. i dislike the whole hypothesis that "how good the drums sound is is directly related to how real it sounds".

i think a lot of songs need a real drum sound, and it IS very hard to create a real drum sound artifically, but i reckon sometimes it's cool to just experiment and see what you'll end up.

for guitars and bass, i think it definately is important to go for a different sound every song. i reckon it's so boring when bands use the same setting for each song (eg. nirvana). even in a band, you would use different settings for each song.

i think that's one thing i've found liberating about writing by myself as opposed to with a band.

there was always this i have to structure the song around the band structure. i ccould never go "hey, how about we use electronic drums for this and you (the drummer) can just do nothing".