Contest: 8-channel drum mix

SuperGeek said:
Will be interesting to see what you say about all the mixes :cool:

Hey SuperGeek.. I tried d/l'ing your file but on dialup (out in the country here) 60megs will take all night. Any chance you can make an mp3 copy of yours?
Prelim drumtrack results

So here we are, prior to any major "full song" mixdowns, and I thought I'd provide an idea of how the mixes stack up against each other. By no means am I an expert or really deserve to tell anyone how good their mix is.... they're all certainly better than mine at this point. But the idea is to make an indie album that sounds half decent, and have the drums sound really great.

Here they are, in descending order of preference (best first)...

1. NL5
2. kainz
3. ds21
4. jmorris
5. error5i
6. ocnor
7. trackrat
8. simman

This is all the ones I had any luck downloading. It took a few cracks at a couple of them because they only showed up as 300k fragments, but eventually, most everyone's mixes were captured and lined up.

Now, I went and lined up all the mixes in CoolEdit, then made this neat little soundfile which contains all of them in ascending order:

Fragments of eight different drum mixes

0:00 - 0:08 Simman
0:08 - 0:16 trackrat
0:16 - 0:25 ocnor
0:25 - 0:32 error5i
0:32 - 0:39 jmorris
0:39 - 0:47 ds21
0:47 - 0:56 kainz
0:56 - 1:03 NL5

(I thought it would be neater to hear the track get progressively better)

HollowMan1975 said:
Hey SuperGeek.. I tried d/l'ing your file but on dialup (out in the country here) 60megs will take all night. Any chance you can make an mp3 copy of yours?

Sure will do. :D

I will set it up tonight. I'm off to work right now :(
Thank you everyone!

Well, after listening carefully through my monitors here, I've re-arranged slightly the top three:

1. NL5
2. kainz
3. jmorris

Thank you everyone for participating, this has been a HUGE help for us! I'll stop taking entries at this point and I guess officially close the contest.

Would those top 3 mixers be willing to share how they treated each of the different drum tracks? If you would prefer to PM me instead of perpetuating this thread, that's fine too.

Thanks again!

HollowMan1975 said:
Would those top 3 mixers be willing to share how they treated each of the different drum tracks?

Well, I'll give it my best shot.

Kick and snare were drumagogged, with just a bit of eq, no compression - both had aux's to a reverb. About twice as much on the snare than the kick. I panned the OH's to about 65 left and 65 right. No eq, no compression. Put an aux to the reverb, set pretty high, and an aux set to 0db (full signal) to a UAD 1176LN plug in the "all-in" mode - slammed it pretty hard, then adjusted the fx channel it was in to taste. Toms were enveloped and sent to a group track with a bit of comp and a bit of eq (20 hz hi pass, and a bump at 4khz) - also an aux to the verb. The room mic was treated the same as the OH's, only no panning.

AS far as the verb, I used a bright drum room that I tweaked a bit to make it a little cleaner and a bit tighter.

The one thing I did that I noticed most people neglected was I time aligned all the tracks to each other. This helps to clear up the "ball of mud" that sits in the middle of the stereo field when so many drum mics are used.

Hope that helps......

NL5 said:
Kick and snare were drumagogged,

Oh we could have used drumagog... in that case...
J/K, good job NL5.

Hollowman I like the tune, I did do a really quick mix of it, after hearing the others I just did it for my own listening pleasure, so nothing major, I'll post it tonight when I get home.