Contacting labels


New member
I want to release some songs I have made, mixed and master myself.
So Iam contacting some labels that could like them.
But my mastering skills are not good at all and the mastering process in my songs sucks. So, suppose that a label likes my songs. Do you think that they would consider that I dont have the chance to master my music and maybe help me to master my songs so they can release them?

Or should I wait to get a propper mastering before contacting the labels?
You should have good mastering before contacting the label. Some people can't look beyond something that isn't ready to go and hear what it could be.

Are you trying to get other artists to cut your songs or are you looking to be an artist yourself?
The best thing you can do as an artist is develop a fanbase. That will show the labels (and others) that your music is marketable.
sorry david, waht do you mean with funbase?
By the way Iam contacting kind of "underground labels" not Sony music or something too massive.
i am doing that myself --contacting indies . . . just gittin started actually, this month . . . so far, they sound nice on the phone. i am literally just getting my cd packages out via mail as of friday and a few more this monday . . .

i am sending the full "ep" that i am also selling at stores and passing out at events . . .
That sound great, but for me sending a Cd to London for example will cost me like 60 buks!
I live far away from my target labels
Ummm no label will sign you by JUST listening to your demo.... at least none that I have heard about. What you need to do is play as many shows as possible in your area, and hope that someone who cares/someone who has some pull eventually hears you/hears about you.

The days of a label actually listening to unsolicited demo tapes/CDs are LONG gone... as the others have said, you basically have to prove your music is marketable by building up a local fan-base and following.