Constructive critisism needed asap!


New member
I'm 16 and I've been rapping audio for about a year with extremely bad equipment, so don't mind the quality. My goal is to make it big, but in order for that to happen, i need to improve greatly, and i'm out of ideas myself. I'm looking for ways to improve because i know that i need to improve a lot, so replies such as "thats wack" are no good. You can say "thats wack" and then explain exactly why its wack, and how i could improve it. Anyways, here are 2 of my recent tracks, on the first one, the latin dude is my buddy, he doesnt really rap, he just did it for the hell of doing it. I tried different styles on both of the songs, but i cant seem to manipulate the style from the 2nd track again.

Any input is greatly appreciated, by the way im about to upgrade my equipment.
On practice 1, the rapper isn't bad. But ya, the quality of the vocals are low. What I would say is prefect your craft and work with what you got now. You could have the best gear, but no craft and talent. At least we know you guys got flows. You just need your own beats and production. That's the hard part. So ya, just learn as much as you can about recording, producing, and mastering so when you do get the hot gear, you're all set...

What you working with?
Both of the emcees rappin in english are me, i just did different styles. My equipment is a $20 toy electric keyboard mic that i stole from my brother :eek: and an Audigy2 sound card; i use Acid Pro 4.0 for recording. I know i can flow over a beat, but sometimes i tend to blend in too much and sound like a machine. Any lyrical/flow/delivery advice? I'm just trying to rack up all the negative comments i can and improve.
Here's what I would suggest. I'm not sure where you're from, but are there a lot of catz that rap around your way? If so then I would try to get with them, and maybe battle each other on a consistant basis. Or maybe just work with each other. In my opinion the best way to get better is to compete with someone better than you. Even if you're constantly getting beat, it still should make you challenge yourself to get better. So that way the next time you compete you don't get embarassed. Competiton is how people improve thier game in any situation you can think of. Think about this..If you practice with Jordan (you can tell I'm old skool) everyday. He may beat you everyday, but your game will definitely improve.
Nah there are like 3 rappers where im from, and they're all unbelivably wack. But thanks for the critisism. Anybody else?