
I work at at sawmill here in New Zealand and this is a product we make for the Australian market called "Design Pine". It is pressure treated, fingerjointed and primed(painted) lumber for structual outdoor use. Total overkill for internal framing but I got the whole rooms worth for $50 as it was reject peices from our production line because of minor defects. The great thing about fingerjoint is every stick is perfectlly straight!! It's going to be covered with cloth once I paint the ceiling and sand the floor so the nasty blue colour will not be seen.
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They are "inside out" the drywall is already there on the back leaving the front for absorbtion. Saves space in a small room!!. You can see them being stood up like that in some of the photo's.
Very cunning design!!
riiiiiiiiiight, Ionly looked at the pics on the first page.

yeah, I'd do the same thing for sure, it's such a waste of space and money to put the drywall facing into the room and then treat it.

Excuse my intrusion but wouldnt all that absorbtion make the room compleatly and udery dead and bad for the over all sound? :eek:

blazingstrings said:
Excuse my intrusion but wouldnt all that absorbtion make the room compleatly and udery dead and bad for the over all sound? :eek:


yes for the mops part, but it'd be easy to add some reflection with wood strips etc...
Yep, totally dead. That's kinda the plan then I can start adding timber slats to some of the walls to liven things up acting as broadband absorders. I will probally do this to the larger end of the room for drums and keep the narrower end fairly dead for doing vocals - that's the general plan anyway.
Thanks for looking. I will update as we go. I just hope its sound proof enough!!