"Conspiratorial world" Need advice on pre.


New member
Hey all.

I recorded this song a few weeks back. Been writing since june and recording since september.


First verse: ME

Second verse: Street (had an impacted tooth so flow isnt perfect)

Third verse: ME

I need advice on my vocals.


Mic: AT4033

Interfact: Mbox2

Software: Protools le

I need advice on what I can do to upp my quality. My lyrics were edited by the other artist on the track, but he says the room has echo. Also, my lyrics seem a little dull, or empty.

I was thinking A) Get a preamp (mainly looking at tube)
OR B) Get this mic stand insulator adapter that wraps around the back of the mic as treatment.

For a pre, i was thinking around $400. I was looking at a GT brick..... Dont know what will sound nice.

Let me know.

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