Connecting Tascam M308 to 8track


New member
So I´m trying to get to grips with this setup now and have re-read all your advice (thanks once again!) ... but what exactly is the advantage of going to the Tape In through the Program out? Why not take Direct out instead? I bought a manual but it will take some time to arrive and I will have to rely on your help for a little while ... this enormous thing is intimidating yet I can´t wait to start pushing its knobs tomorrow!
You can use the direct out if you prefer. Using the program groups is a convenience if you don't need to record more than 4 tracks at time.

See, if you use the direct outs and those are connected to specific tape deck inputs (like direct out 1 to track 1, direct out 2 to track 2 and so on) then if there is one microphone that you like to use for different things for many of the tape tracks, then you will have to keep plugging that mic into different tracks, OR keep repatching which tape deck input is connected to the direct out for the channel to which the mic is connected. Using the program groups lets you plug that mic into a channel and leave it there, and also to have the wires connecting the mixer to the tape deck stay connected...all of your repatching is done with the ASSIGN buttons on the mixer.

If you routinely record more than 4 tracks at a time then it makes sense to use the direct outs, but if you record 4 or less tracks at a time the program groups give you all the control you need right on the control surface of the mixer.
Yes you pointed that out to me once already and I had just read it ... I think I understand it now! Thanks sweetbeats - sometimes I have to think your sig is aimed at me ;)
Congratulations on the new setup!

In addition to Sweetbeats' informative post about the Program outs letting you assign your channels to the tape deck with switches on the mixer instead of reaching back to re-patch cables on the back of the mixer, "bussing out" or "group outs" as it is known will also let you "submix" multiple channels down to fewer tape tracks: for example, if you wanted to record a drum kit that had six microphones on it, but you only had two tracks of tape left to work with, you could set up those six microphone channels on your mixer, but assign those channels to only two Program busses so all six drum mics would end up being "summed" to only those two tape tracks left. The catch to this is, of course, that you would be "printing" your drum mix to tape--so you would have to decide and commit to how you want those drums mixed together *before* you record them rather than being able to tweak and play around with the 6 individual mics come mix time after you're done recording, as you will of course only have control of the drum recording "as a whole" on just those two tracks doing it this way--it's a more advanced technique but it's a method sometimes used when you have more channels to record than available tape tracks and you're confident of how you want certain channels balanced--hence willing to give up some control over your sounds later during mixing.

I don't know if you're actually recording drums of if you ever want or need to submix your tracks, but I wanted to further illustrate your new mixer's capabilities. Cheers and have fun!
Yes thanks - I hadn´t thought of this but I have to think of the things that I encounter one by one! I did a session with myself today and managed to

1 - record on to the tracks I wanted to record to (!)
2 - stop doing crack - Oops! Mike Keneally (scambot 1) keeps turning up in my mind whenever I hear "too" - give him a listen, he´s a genius
2 (for real now) - hear and mix up to four tracks into the computer (yes I´m not analogue only)
3 - find the right button to press for listening to the mixdown
4 - connect my 2-track Sony TC 850 to EXT IN2 so I will be able to listen to my old tapes tomorrow

... all this across a battlefield of forgetting to press "Channel On" or turn up the Line Trim or activate the assign knobs for the channels and one handful of other stoopid errors - so I´m pretty proud of myself right now!