Connecting PC to the BR-1600

Envy The Pea

New member
I think some of you BR owners also run a PC sequencer with your unit. I've been considering this too but don't know enough about how you integrate these two devices. Can someone explain generally how it works? Do you record everything on the BR normally and then import the recorded tracks over to the computer program, manipulate them and then move them back when you're ready to master? Or can you sync the sequencer tracks to the BR and listen to them both in real time? Do I have to have a great sound card on the computer since it's tied into the BR? Appreciate any enlightenment on this topic. Thanks! --Envy
As I posted for anoher 1600 user:
"Because you have USB on the 1600, you can throw everything on to say, Cubase. THEN you take your MIDI and sync the 1600 AND your PC then run a digital OUT (or RCA if you want to buy a cheaper sound card) and run that back INTO your 1600 and it's always "live" so you dont record it as a TRACK its just a channel of all the stuff on your PC. Then the mix from your PC you have total control over it...AND control over all the tracks on the 1600. I can explain this in more depth if you do end up going this route :D"

Also to mixdown, you just route the digital input or w/e you have from your pc on say 2 seperate tracks! Hope I helped. If you need more help just ask! :)
I too am looking at hooking my BR1600 up to a PC, just sourcing a PC at the moment. I will take you up on running through the ins and outs (pardon the unintentional pun) when I am ready to go! :) :)