connecting my soundcard to a cd recorder? help!!!


New member
hi all, as im not techy i thought i'd ask you great people.

i want to connect my focusrite saffire to my marantz cd recorder through the digital out the saffire, into the digi in of the recorder.

question is, do i just need a standard digital coaxial SPDIF lead to do this?

any help woud be superb!:cool:
jeez you think someone on here would have helped me out. it must be such a simple question to those with experience, a simple yes or no would do.
I don't have either of those devices, and I doubt many others here do either. Perhaps the lack of response is because this is so trivial you could just try it yourself, or see what the Marantz manual says.

no need to be a pompous prick

if i had the manual i would be reading the shiister

theres a serious lack of help on this forum, i dont have a spdif lead and before i shell out money i just thought i would ask for some help.

30 people viewed this before replying, someone could have just said "yes" or "no"

someone asks a question that may seem trivial to some but to newbies they need to know the simple answers.

far to many people come on to a topic and start talking about their own shit in replies rather than helping people out with the opriginal question, which is what this site should be here for.
What you have to remember is this:

We log onto the thread to see what the question is. This is the visits.
If we don't know the answer we move on.

People here answer questions as a free help service they don't get paid and it's not a job. We are not sitting here waiting for your question so it may take a few days for someone with the answer to log in. This is often forgotten.

You may need to supply more information, like, you did not say that you did not have the manual, how do we know what type of connectors are on each of the units, we don't own them.

Now to try to help you, what type of connectors do you have on each unit, if it's a simple RCA lead you could try connecting a common RCA to RCA lead as found in home stereos and see if you get a signal. Don't forget that the signal out from the CD will be at 44.1kHz at 16 Bit sampling rate, the input of the saffire will have to have the correct settings.

If it's some other connector and you don't know what it's called, try to describe it.



Reading again, I just realised you want to record to the CD recorder, so what I said about the signal from the CD is not quite correct, the signal from the saffire may have to be set to 44.1khz 16 bit, depends on the CD recorder. Just make sure the settings are 441. and the sample rate is the same.
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I I understand your question, you want to use the Saffire to record to the Marantz by coaxial spdif. Right? As was said, you can use a regular rca cable to do this assuming the Saffire and the Marantz are set to the same rate.

You can at least do this to try before you buy a pricier digital cable, but you may find it works just fine with a regular old rca cable.

Hope this helps.