Connecting Mixer to PC


New member
Hi all,

I have been using my Behringer X1622USB mixer for a while now to combine the output from my PC which I use to play backing tracks with the output from my guitar or keyboard. I have a PodHD500 for the guitar and use a Roland U-110 for the keyboard, both of which are connected to the mixer via different channel strips.

I have more recently become interested in recording myself however am having a little difficulty with levels when it comes to recording.

I have connected the Sub 1-2 output from the mixer to the Line 1/2 input on my M-Audio soundcard, and the Line 1/2 output from the soundcard to one of the stereo channel strips. The control room out on the mixer is connected to my speakers via an amp. I have connected things up this way after reading the Tweakheadz website.

The issue I have is that the output from the Sub 1-2 is always quieter than the Control Room Out such that when I play what I have recorded the volume is approximately half that when compared with how it sounded originally.

Question - Is it normal for the output from the sub-outs to be lower than the main mix? Have I got things connected up correctly?

I have tweaked and tweaked however cannot get this so that the playback volume is the same as the volume when I play originally. I have gone through using the Pre-Fader listen and adjusted all levels so they average 0 on the meter however cannot figure this one out.

Any advice would be gratefully received.
