condenser mic for 250.00


New member
I found out that I will have more money than expected for a new mic for x-mas.
Instead of 100.00 (I was thinking of a B1) I will have close to 200.00.
I want a LD condenser mic
Could any of you please make your suggestions

Thank you
Wish I could help, but I don't have any mics that cost over $100. Again, it will depend on your use for the mic, and what you already have. Give us a clue. :)
I am not clear what is your budget--close to $200, or $250? Also, what is the purpose of the mic, and why LD?
There's a bunch of options, the ones I've used in this price range that I would recommend:

CAD M177 - Cardioid
CAD M179 - Multipattern
SP B3 - Multipattern
SP C1 - Cardioid
AKG C2000B - Cardioid (Not a True LD, It's a 3/4" Capsule)

These are all $199 or less anymore
Your SM57 and SM58 may already be 'better' vocal mics for male/female vocals than any of the LD condensers named above.

The reasons for this are as follows:

1.There is relatively NO noise in a dynamic mic.

2.These two Shure microphones were designed in 1903(estimated) and have clearly withstood the test of time.Therefore they can be considered Industry Standards.

3.All Condensers, be they Large or Small require a power supply from somewhere.

4.Famous Producers and Recording Engineers from all over the world, may or may not have a $200 LD Condenser, but they sure as Heck have SM57's and SM58's.

5.LD condensers SUCK when used as hammers.SM57's don't.

6.If you A/B your voice through an SM57/58 against a $200 LD Condenser chances are you wont spend your money on one.

7.Buy a VERY VERY nice SMALL D.condenser for your guitar and sing through the SM57/58 till you can afford a $500 LD Condenser.

71/2.OR, if youre deadset on spending money on a vocal mic and you dont like SM57/58's then buy a used Sennheiser MD421 and keep it forever.

8.NOT having something is no reason to have it.
Thanks cave, but you could have stopped at 57's & 58's were already better.
If I wanted to be lectured on a topic I would have contacted my dad.
All I asked for was what people thought would be a wise mic choice. I didn't ask WHY you thought that. But as usual when you ask a question on this forum, you have all sorts of people who want to make themselves sound big by making you look small for asking that question in the first place.
People should try and use a little diplomacy when answering others. And don't think that people are going to do exactly what you suggest by regarding the amount of posts you have as your knowledge equivalent. THAT just shows how little of a life you have and remain/rely too much on this forum.

There...thus endeth the theological lesson for the day!!!
Oh, geez....sorry. I dont need to belittle anyone for kicks.I was trying to humourous.If you think I was taking a potshot at you then you need to get a bit thicker skin.I dont come here that often as I have many other things in life to occupy my time.If my advice to you was not sound then by all means ignore it and do whatever you want.After all, its your money and your life.If I offended you then I'm sorry.I still dont see what was so offensive...??Dont bother answering makes no difference.
I think cavedog was not really trying to lecture you. I think cavedog understands that you are not the only one reading this post. Hence, a newbie may need a more explicit explanation. He's just killing two birds with one stone since your question is a very popular question. A good practice would be to mention your setup so folks could get a better idea of where you are coming from.

Peace in the middle East! :)
I guess that "I" should have been the one to be more clear. This was not meant to be"against " cavedog, but rather something that I've wanted to say to another individual that replies in this manner. He'll know who he is (clear sky color)
At any rate...Thanks cave and I wish you and yours a Happy holiday Season.

Buy a Studio Projects B1. It is highly rated as the best quality/performing mic available for the $$$. Beats mics 10X the price.
acorec said:
Buy a Studio Projects B1. It is highly rated as the best quality/performing mic available for the $$$. Beats mics 10X the price.

Maybe it beats some mics costing 10x the price. Highly doubtful it beats all mics costing 10x the price.
Just to add my 2cents......

I have a CAD e200 (multipattern) that I like for both acoustic guitar and male vox (my voice and two other male voices....have not tried a female vox yet).

The CAD M179 that freshmattyp listed is supposed to be the same capsule as the E300 (a step up from mine) and it is one of the mics tested at The Listening Sessions website ( I think).

I did a blind comparison of the different mics from TLS and the M179 was my favorite sounding.

Also.....I really like the figure 8 pattern on my CAD.

Check out the Listening Sessions..........its a great place to get a feel for a particular mic.....if they have tested it.

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I don't agree that an SM57/58 sounds as good as a B1 on vocals. Maybe some vocals because mics really do need to match up with the source, but I think you'll notice a big difference right away. The B1 won't replace the 57, it will just add some different flavors that you can't get with the 57. It will also do acoustic guitar better IMO.

Blessings, Terry
Consider AKG C2000B. A mid sized diaphragm mic, can be had with an H100 shock mount and a generic mic cable for $180 from 8th street. It has performed admirably on both vocals and acoustic for me. Unlike the B-1, it has a pad and high pass filter. It is also one versatile sumbitch that shines on congas, Djembe, Doumbek, zarb, bongos, toms, etc. I've got about $6000 worth of mics in house, and I bought a second one, 'cause I wanted a pair. They work quite well as overheads, also. I use them primarily for a remote spaced pair, and as a backing vocal mic. I also have to say, when you ask about a condenser mic, they should not try to sell you an SM57 you already own.-Richie
Well then Terry,I can only assume by the definitive slant to your take on this that you've tried a lot of 57/58's on a lot of vocals and also the B1 on the same.I'm sure that FOR YOU, the B1 sounds somewhat better.I really like the B1 mic.Used it a lot.I think the B3 is, as far as I have heard, a better overall sounding mic.And having only recorded a few different vocalists in my 30 years of recording,I have found many many situations where the 57/58 mic was all that would work.Period.To me, the SP B1 is very much like the SM57/58 in that it will always find a use in a session with multiple sources and at its price it could be an industry standard.Okay, a home based recording industry standard.A lot of big houses are not going to buy a B1 to replace the U67 or the U99 Soundelux etc etc. As for recording acoustic guitar, the B1 is very adequate.The Octava 012 SD is much better for this application as would be a lot of SD condensers simply because of the design.NOT to say that they would ALL be the 'best'...I prefer a U197 Soundelux to most SD Condensers I've used on acoustic guitars.But thats just me.My whole purpose in posting an answer for this gentleman and, to define my suggestion ,was to simply point out that at the price hes looking for, the chances of finding ONE single mic to do as many things(acoustic guitar/ male/female vox) he needs is simply going to be a crapshoot at best.My take on the B1 and my experience with it doesnt change this fact at all. Thats why I suggested an A/B of what ever mic he finds with the mics he already has and knows the sound of.In this way he gets a much better idea of what the DIFFERENCES are for HIS application. Not yours or mine. Now, have I said anything that simply doesnt make any sense?And I dont recall ever stating that an SM57/58 sounds better than a B1 on vocals. In fact I was referring to Matts list which has NO B1 listed...Now isnt it strange how things can get all crossed up on these BB's.And the info is already set down in fabulous blue and black.

And some of you question why its irritating to some folks.
I really should have put a pair of B1's on my list, but my thinking was that for the price range the B3 in cardioid sounds really similar to the B1, plus you get the added versatility of omni and figure 8 patterns. I used my B3 in omni all the time and got some killer vocals and acoustic guitar sounds.

I love the B1, and I think all home reccer's should be issued a pair, just like all guys my age were issued Kiss Alive and Cheap Trick Live at Budokan.

State - How are you fixed for preamps or a mixer?