Concept Album Overture Mix


New member
Hey guys,
I've been having trouble uploading this, but it's the introduction/overture to an album my band has been working on. For some reason it won't upload so I uploaded it to yousend it. I would appreciate any feedback I can get. This is my first mix on my new Tannoy monitors so I am hoping they are worth the money I put into them (I am sure they are). Also would appreciate feedback on the song and arrangement overall. Thanks in advance. Here's the link:
Sounds pretty good.

Some of the synth instruments (e.g. the string section) are pretty cheesy.

Otherwise, I enjoyed it.
I'm only listening on small headphones so I could be wrong, but it seems to me that everything is lacking a bit of bass - in particular the bass guitar sounds thin, the electric lead bits as well, and the snare...

I'm with VHS on your synth sections... there's a definite suggestion of cheese there - especially when you do the harmony bit... double cheese... I'd find a new patch, and a diferent patch again, or different instrument on the harmony....

Hmm cheese synths can be a bonus but bot in this song. It'd no big this to change the samples if it's midi.
There were two moments I thought the acoustics were not completely in sync, although that could be me listening while I should be working. ;-) Skillfully performed and recorded. I enjoyed it a lot, definitely an invitation to keep listening!
Listening as I type. Intro - center the cymbals. The guitar melody in the first part is rather stiff. It needs something - maybe more bends or vibratos. The second part (harmonies are okay). Although the really low bass is not there, the definition is excellent (esp solo). Last guitar solo is stiff again in spots. It sounds like the strings guage is too big - no give. This coming from (of course) a guitar player.... The overall concept and instrumentation/arrangement is super. So take my guitar player opinion with a large grain of salt....