computer Wiz help please


New member
I just bought all the parts to build my own recording studio.
I am going to put them all together myself.
I have knowledge of computers, but when I was reading the manual to the ASUS P4TE motherboard I got a little confused.
Here is my question. Do I have to worry about all these jumper settings and in which position they are in or are they already preconfigured to run properly in which case I can just start putting this bad boy together.
Thanks everyone,
Read through the manual. Make sure they are at least in their default positions, and none are missing (like the chassis intrusion one).

The manual has detailed descriptions of what the jumper settings do, just check them all one by one and adjust them according to their function - and your needs.

99% of the time they are fine right out of the box, but check them to be sure, in particuliar jumpers that have to do with voltage.