Computer recording, effects, etc.


New member
Hi -

I'm new to recording so some of my questions are pretty basic.

1. I'm getting Sonar. I've heard the effects, especially compression/limiting, are weak. If I get an outside multi-effect and compressor/limiter, how would I set up to record? Would I record the track dry then add effect or add effect when recording? If I add the effect after I record, how do I route it? Do I route say, track one out of the computer and into the effect then back from the effect into the computer? If so, when it goes back in do I record it on another track (track 2), overdub the original track or is it added to the original track automatically?

2. stereo and mono.... some outs and lines are stereo, some are mono. Why? I've noticed mono lines won't go into a stereo input. When should you use stereo when hooking things together and when should you use mono? Can't you just make things stereo in the mix when recording? I can understand the need for a mono out if you just have one speaker, but everything alse...??

3. Anyone recommend a good book on the basics of recording in general and recording with computers?
You are on the right track. There are different ways to do it but generally you would re-record just the effects onto their own track for maximum flexibility. This way you can mix the original sound and a 100% wet effects sound to get the right balance.

Pretty much all your sounds will be mono tracks and panned in the final stereo mix. The only reasons to use stereo tracks (actually dual mono) is for stereo micing, some keyboard sounds, and stereo effects.