Computer fan noise


New member
I've got a dual Pentium machine so I've got three fans going during recording. The logistics of my location will not allow me to move the box into a different room than I'm recording in.

I've been through the archives but didn't see anything that seemed definitive. Since a whole lot of us are moving over to computer based recording I wonder if a solution has been devised. Anything new on the market?

cool link if only there were quieter fans for processors.. thats definitely pretty cool though.. outside of homerecordists , who would be so anal about fan noise to buy one of those?

- eddie -
Yeah, thanks ametth. Do you have experience with these power supplies? Seems good if true.

I haven't heard the processor fans w/o the PS fan. I wonder how much noise they make...
Yeah, well, obviously the technology hasn't begun to catch up with the needs of the modern home recordist, so what I do is throw a heavy blanket over the bastard when I'm tracking. Call me primitive. It works, though.
I'm Gunna grab a blanket ..I was wandering the same thing,I'ts winter here so the blankets are bountifull.......... :)