Compu-mix in Cubase, Using a VS-1680 and 1880, and Problems with Sync


New member
Hello Everyone,

My problem is that I can not figure out how to use Cubase's compu-mix on both my VS-1680 and 1880 and sync them to Cubase at the same time. Here are the facts:

I use Cubase mainly as a midi sequencing system and do final recording on the 1680 and 1880. Both the 1680 and the 1880 are synced to Cubase. This allows me to record in a 34 track enviorment.

However, Cubase allows sync data to be sent via midi only through one midi port at a time ( I have a midiman 8x8). So to sync both the 1680 and 1880 I must operate them through one midi port, and then chain them with midi cables. However, the system exclusive functions which allow you to run the 1680 and 1880 via midi, are hard wired to specific midi channels in each unit.

For exampe, if I attempt to adjust fader 1 on the 1680 I would send the information via midi channel one. However, the 1880 also has its fader one control on midi channel one, so it would also change its fader position. This creates a situation where compu-mix essentially becomes useless.

If someone has a suggestion about how I can both sync the 1680 and the 1880 to Cubase, and have them run out of seperate midi ports it would be appreciated.



P.S. As always, I disavow any spelling errors or syntax errors in the above.