Compressors: outboard vs. built-in


New member
I just got a Yamaha 4416 and I'm using Sebatron and EH tube pres and a variety of mics.

My question is, will any of the low-end compressors discussed around here exceed the quality of the built-in compressor in my DAW? Like the RNC? Would this be a significant step up?

RNC's are nice... Art Pro VLA is nice... I would imagine the RNLA is a decent piece (although I have no personal experience with it as of yet). Those are about the only "budget" units I'd really suggest off hand.
Dbx 160 x or XT or A.

There is a reason there is at least two in every studio on the planet...

NOT sexy, NOT covered in big knobs or VU's, but great compression that will work for just about anything.

I use them ALL the time and I have managed to collect a bunch of great vintage and custom compressors over the years....
osz said:
Thanks, guys.

(BTW, what's the big idea? I ask a simple, friendly question and someone gives me negative rep points? I know I'm new here, but what did I do wrong?) :confused:
There's someone here who will give neg rep to anyone mentioning EH and in particular the 12AY7 mic pre, I'm guessing that's why you got yours. I own one as well so I've had my fair share from him too. :rolleyes:

Don't let one arsehole put you off, there're plenty of pleasant and helpful people around on the BBS including a few highly respected pros like Joel and Massive.
osz said:
Thanks, guys.

(BTW, what's the big idea? I ask a simple, friendly question and someone gives me negative rep points? I know I'm new here, but what did I do wrong?) :confused:

Please feel free to PM me directly if you like. I will answer when I have a second (usually before or after a session).

And this is for fun:

The EH 12AY7 mic pre is great. I am glad you mentioned the EH 12AY7 mic pre. The EH12AY7 seems like a great choice for your setup.

Aside from the EH12Ay7, which is not a compressor (it is a 12AY7 mic pre, by EH)


I have no rep anyway!

Cheap compression isn't going to be much nicer, but would offer you some selection which is always a good idea:) I am not familiar with the comps on the 4416, but I am familiar with the comps on the DM series. The RNC is kind clean neutral compression sound, but really starts to muck things up once you hit about 6db of compression. The yamaha DM series comps are very similar to the RNC in that they are pretty invisible, but only really go down about 6 or 9 db band then they fall apart.

The DBX 16X range is nice because you can get a fairly clean low ratio type sound, or you can drive that baby down there a bit and hit -15 and such without really coming unglued. Th ehigh ratio's seem to work a little better than things like the RNC as well. In general however, all DBX gear will impart it's sonic stamp. The RNC tends to stay out of your way more. The newer DBX doesn't seem to sound quite as "big" as the old stuff, but it still does a pretty decent job shaping fronts and backs of sounds and giving them a new feel. The RNC seems to be the opposite. No new feel (unless you hit it too hard), just a new volume. For some people I guess that is better though:)
I really like the bluemax but nobody seems to agree with this one. I wouldn't run my vocals through anything else.
thats cool. that only makes my sound more "unique"..heh heh. its the only compressor I have that doesn't add any pumping and breathing onto vocals and bass. I need a 2nd one. and I've tried a lot, including the RNC...
Thanks, Massive!

For a minute there I thought I might have deeply offended someone with stock in Yamaha.

Sounds like I need to spend a little cash, but not too much, to improve on the 4416's compressors. I'm thinkin' Dbx. No point in buying something I'm going to want to replace immediately. Thanks for the advice...
Yo' osz, you asked a most valid question which yielded excellent advice & opinions along with some solid tips!
In turn, some-1 gave you a neg rating for whatever reason good,bad or ugly.

Though personally I feel "Rep-Ratings" are basically useless, many enjoy this feature here @ HR.Com which allows members to post a verbal "thumbs up/down" review according to the quality of a particular post/thread submitted by another.
Oh yeah dude, there are the "haters" who will submit neg comments for just simply mentioning a product they dislike, don't like your BBS moniker or the city, state or country you reside in, your avatar, or how you dot your "I's" or cross your "T's". These "peeps" will NEVER identify themselves when issuing thier
neg comments preferring anonymity. This FLAW will be ending!

HR.COM owner, David "Dragon" Fiedler will be informed shortly and kindly asked to eliminate "anonymous rep rtg/comments" some of which were of the insensitive, inflammatory & hateful kind. HR.COM is more than just some BBS in some cyber-space internet portal with a buncha' faceless,keybrd-tapping,audio know-it-alls, wannabe rec engineers, home-recordists & musicians hiding behind a pc. This site is 1 of the very few recording sites on the web that holds an annual "HR.COM JAM/RECORDING/BBQ/BEER FEST" for the past 5 (now going on 6) years that gives fellow members the oppty to meet,greet,jam,chill,learn and have fun with other members of this site!!!

Disagreeing with a person's statement(s) while remitting rebuttal's, counterpoints and constructive criticism are warranted but issuing useless neg drivel & doing it anonymously is straight-up punk-@ss!
