Compressor Question


New member
I know this has been asked a thousand times but I haven't been around on this BBS lately so I need some info.

I need a cheap compressor to be used mainly for vocals. I'm cassette 4-tracking.

I heard a lot of nice things about the RNC but I've never even seen one. Can you still get them?

I'm wanting to spend around 100-150.

Another thing is, I really like the old 60's recordings where the vocal is overloading but it doesn't hurt your ears. Like old Bo Diddley or the Sonics. Is this a compressor at work?

I'm sorry to be asking such a basic question that has been answered a thousand times but I looked around and didn't see answered anywhere lately.


since you're going to cassette 4-track anyway, save a few bucks and get a cheap behringer. it's not like the inferior construction of the gear is going to be apparent on cassette tape.
RNC Compressor

For the extra $25, I'd get the RNC, no doubt. I've used the Composer Pro before and there simply is no comparisson between the two. The fact that he's only tracking to a 4 track cassette is all the more reason to get the RNC. We should eliminate every weakest link possible. The resale value of an RNC is pretty darn good as well. I've seen them sell for $165-$170 used.

I don't love this compressor because I sell it, I sell it because I love it. That's no crap... Even if someone doesn't get it from me, get it from somewhere (I'd suggest Mercenary Audio if not Humbucker Music).

Jake Langston
Humbucker Music
The RNC is an excellent compressor for the money, but if your looking for something to give you that thick 60's sound, you may want to consider the VC3Q by Joemeek.

It gives you a mic pre, compressor, and eq all in one box, with an insert, mix in, and dual outputs. They can be had for about $199.00, but if that is a bit steep for you, and you would rather have a box that does not color the sound, the RNC is a good choice.
Jake said to eliminate the weakest links. So I stole that phrase from the game show Weakest Link.
My humor is not funny but I like it.
