compressor for vocals question.....

over compressing vox will certainly flatten out the tone as well as volume & plosives. Try taming down the threshold.

The mic & EQ is another problem. I would lose the EQ and get a better mic. Those are not very good for vox. I like using a preamp. In fact I have the Art Tubepac which is a tube compressor and tube pre. It was pretty cheap and makes my Blue "Bluebird" sound fabulous.

Any EQ-ing should be done to the track after it is laid out.

Good luck.
over compressing vox will certainly flatten out the tone as well as volume & plosives. Try taming down the threshold.

The mic & EQ is another problem. I would lose the EQ and get a better mic. Those are not very good for vox. I like using a preamp. In fact I have the Art Tubepac which is a tube compressor and tube pre. It was pretty cheap and makes my Blue "Bluebird" sound fabulous.

Any EQ-ing should be done to the track after it is laid out.

Good luck.

what mike would you suggest??
is the preamp i posted a link for any good ?
ty sir for the help.....
Like I said, the "Bluebird" made by BLUE is a great one. $300 new $150 used.

I can't speak for that unit. Never tried it. These units are like instruments. They all have a different charachter to them.
A good place to check out reviews of products is

Also I would highly suggest the PSP vintage tuba warmer plugin. It will add "sizzle" to any flat, dull, lifeless track. Vocals, guitars and even drums!
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