
Hve you looked at/played with the fish fillet suite? Blockfish is fun to play with.
Here's a description I found of it on

"A compressor or limiter can be used to make the signal sound louder by increasing only the lower levels in the signal. An energizer also makes the signal sound louder, but it analizes every individual pulse to see how it's perceived volume can be maximized. This includes maximizing the amplitudes (which makes it somewhat similar to the Adaptive Limiter, although the energizer can do this without modifying the actual shape of the pulse). Also, the energizer tries to do this without modifying relative dynamics. What this boils down to for the listener is that a compressor or limiter modifies the dynamics (pumping sounds etc), whereas the energizer (when used delicately) will make it sound like you've simply turned up the volume (even though you already peaked at 0dB before and still do)."

That sounds amazing - I have wanted a plugin to do exactly that for as long as I can remember - it would completely eliminate the need for volume automation, thus saving an infinite amount of time. I have wondered sooooo many times why there is no plugin that does that.... If you do find a free one - please let us know!!