Compression settings via recording vocals?


New member

Does someone know which settings should I make on the compressor in the process when recording lead vocals?
(Have an Aardvark card with DSP compressor built in)

What gating too?

Give me some advices about this..
Wanna get a "fat" vocal sound..

I used to have an Aark card...

The compressor on the Aark cards is usable, but it is missing on important setting - a makeup gain control. Without the ability to bring up the level of the compressed signal, the compressor settings get a little tricky.

To start, think of using a low threshold (under 10db) and a small slope (less than 3). That way you will compress a lot of the signal, but slightly.

Normally, if you were dealing with a peaky signal, one would use a higher threshold and and ratio, and bring the whole thing up with the makeup gain.
I think to record, you only need enough compression to catch those big spikes, more of a limiting type thing going on....them during mixdown, you have more control to make it sit how you want....

You're touching on an issue I'm interested in.... Is there a kind of starting point/setting for limiting spikey vocals?

Rusty K
Queue… yes

Rusty and Funky… that sounds funny… Check out the reply I posted on the Vocal recording thread. If you are new to compression, I suggest you leave it be when you record. Just limit the vocal to prevent clipping. Then after you have your take, go back and experiment with different settings.

Brad Gallagher

Thanx guys

I will ask schwa cause he already hase the same card Aardvark..

I seem to have problems with peaking the recorded vocals.. I have this setup.. I Run my mic thru Soundcraft Spirit folio mixer and then go into Aardvark's in.. But,unfortunately I have no compressor/limiter on the mixer and only can encrease/decrease the gain of it and EQ..

Tell me, what setting should I make on the DSP compressor? Should I use it or what? How to use it only for limiting?

Schwa, are you satisfied with your Aark?:)

I sold my Aark...

Its a good card, but I ended up buying a separate pre and compressor, because the compressor did not have a a makeup gain. It also had no WDM drivers (they due in September) and as a SONAR user, this was another shortcoming.

I orignally bought the card for its integrated pres and dsp, but found they were not flexible enough for my needs. I run a MOTU 2408 now.

I actually gave you some settings in my forst post. Try a low threshold and ratio, and listen. Make sure you have the record fx button active.

To use it for limiting, select a high ratio (over 7). I found that there was too much pumping with the ratio set high, though.

An inexpensive, but capable improvement would be to stick an RNC into the insert on your folio mixer.

thanx schwa


What do you mean with that?

Is that some compressor?

I already have a BOSS compressor but I thought I gives me some noise when I inserted in my Folio..

What do you think??

Make sure you have the record fx button active.

Are you sure that button applies to the compressor?

(I'm still fiddling with my Aark's settings too...)

Yes, I'm sure...

If its pressed, the effects are printed to the track. If not, they're just present in monitoring.
I guess I didn't read that part of the manual very well...

I've been fiddling, and the only thing all my fiddling was affecting is the headphone feed.

I guess the trim adjustments were saving me from peaks.

Time to start fiddling (again) and see if I like the results....
