Compressing Vocals in Audition 2.0


New member
So I know absolutely nothing about compressing vocals but I need to compress my vocals. All I are the stock compression tools and I also have PS2 Vintage Warmer.

I know that that compressing vocals is supposed to make it so that the low waves and high waves become equal (or close to it). I tried using the "vocal limiter" compression and it doesn't seem to do anything. I used the "Voice Over" compression and while it seemed to work, it made the vocals sound kind of "digital" sounding.

Any advice is grately appreciated!
Your best stock option would be in dynamics processing, this is auditions graphic compressor. There are some okay vocal presets in the drop menu, however, I would still play around a bit to get a sound that works best for you.
If you are new to compression, try to read up on how it works and where/when to apply it before you add it to a track.
Also, there are many free compression plugins online, just takes a bit of looking.

Hope that helps!

- Brandon

Thanks for the heads up. I'm still trying to figure out just what to do w/ compression so I guess some homework is much needed here. Again, thanks for the response. In the past I used the compressions from the drop down but maybe I'm just getting sensative to the sounds of compression the more I've heard it used and how my past stuff sounds.
I remember first messing with the dynamics processor in Audition and it was a bit overwhelming. I would also recommend downloading some free VST compressor plugins and playing with them as well. Most of them resemble some sort of hardware interface with knobs you can actually adjust - it helped me at least - once you get the feel for some of the compressors the audition dynamics processor makes more sense.

Good Luck,

- Mike
remember also...if you're using it as a process plugin from edit mode...back up the original recording because compression colors the audio...