compressing on the way in


New member
hey guys! i ususally dont put any compression while I am tracking. Are there any cases where you guys always compress certian instruments on the way in? bass drums vox? taco drum? :p just curious.

Thanks all

i generelly comp bass drum, snare, bass and vocals... you see i record to 16 bit adat, so its nice to be able to "fill" the tracks... this does greatly depend on what style of music i'm recording.
normally i put some compression on everything that has alot of bottom end,

like vocals, kick, bass, and sometimes snare

but it depends... the harder the genre of music, the more compression i often use;..

just make sure you don't record peaks and clips, thats why you should use the compressors.... not especially to make your sound more fat,
but in first case to Protect your material from distortion and other malevolant things :)
personally i only compress after its been recorded.
i think in general, instead of using lotsa compression when i mix id rather try to auto mate my faders to the dynamics of the song, and just use compression where you have to. i know this isnt a popular theory, and its just my opinion, but alota times, it bugs me how compression can become a total crutch for what your mix lacks. plus in alota cases it increases noise.
i dont think compression is bad, its great! i just think its a little abused at times IMO.

take care.