Compressing final mix


New member
I know most software compression (and some hardware compressors) have the option of compressing based on RMS average value or peak value.

I know what the difference is, but which one should you use on compressing the final mix? I would think the peak detection method would be best, but I would like some other ideas based on more experience than what I have.

Depends. What effect do you want on the mix?
Very fast attack and release to get small peaks but remain more or less 'transparent' a-la Waves L1. As you slow it down (and perhaps use more) it can leave more of the short peaks that keep it lively, but maybe pump a bit with the rhythm. With plenty of options in between.
Try some fast settings and watch what it does to your reverb and ambiences. A of a sudden you may find your hearing them much more and might want to change that aspect as a result.
Use RMS detection compressor with attack time 25-20 ms, and release time 0.5-20 ms, ratio 2:1 - this allows transient peaks to pass, but compress average RMS level and increase loudness without pumping - overall definition and clarity of mix will increase
Then chain fast brickwall limiter, like L1 Ultramaximizer, to cut transient peaks. This is LOUD mastering :D
You can use multiband compressor to have total control over freq response- experiment.