composer available for free


New member
Hi, Im looking to do some film score work, and im willing to do it for free for experience and and to build a portfolio.Im a very good, all round musician who can play many styles. Does anyone need such a person? Or does anyone know where would be ideal for me to place ads? thanks
You may want to explore the schools in your area. Many schools may have a film department and may include various student film projects.

You may also want to check your local "public access" cable stations. Often people who produce independent public acccess shows may be looking for audit tracks, cues, etc.

For what it's worth, I have been trying to break into scoring work for about 15 years. Unless you live in someplace like LA and have some serious is very, very, very difficult.

I started with jingles for local ad agencies, did some music for industrial/training videos, music on hold and a few local stage productions. That led to 4 independent films (all for little or nothing "to get experiance").

I even came very close to getting a chance to scoring a film that was to be directed by a hot shot talent out of UCLA film school. He purchased the rights to a play that I had scored (the music for the play could be purchased through the publisher of the play - and this hot shot direected "loved my music"). Sony, TriMark and a few other major studios were all trying to get this hot young director - and he planned to use at least part of my music (I'm sure I would have had to work with the music director of the film, etc.)

The whole thing fell apart when the hot shot started to demand total artistic freedom, final approvals, etc (a rather bold move for someone right out of film school). Having all these studios fighting over him went to his head - and they cooled on him just as quickly as they drooled on him.

So I'm still looking for that first big break (after 15 years), good luck to you!!!