Complete starter package (newbie question)


New member
Hi there,

First time posting, been reading numerous forums on the subject but cannot find a definitive answer.
I'm looking to get a small recording setup where I can simultaneuously record up to 4 or more multiple tracks into either Garageband or Logic, by mic-ing up the instruments (guitar, bass, vox, drums, etc).

Logic and Garageband I have, and my comp should be able to have the guts to deal with it.

What audio inferface will be sufficient, and will it be able to record each miked input to different tracks in Garageband or Logic?...currently I'm looking at either of the below (cannot post links until hitting 10posts sorry):

MultiMix 8 FireWire

Can this do the above, is there anything else I'd need to achieve what I'm wanting to do? Ideally I'd not be interested in mixing direct on here, and would use software to do this, I just want to get the sounds played live recorded to their own tracks in GB or Logic.

BOSS U.S. - BR-800: Digital Recorder

The later obviously being able to record 4 tracks at a time, and I'd have to then import each individual one to the software of my choice (time consuming, though the portability of it is enticing)

Will be using a number of SM57s as the mics.

So will these work?..which is better?...easier?...any issues anyone can see with this setup?....I'm leaning towards the Alesis.

Mods please feel free to merge this if its a duplicate posting.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help, I've been trying to nail a recording setup for ages now and have fallen short often. (going by the two items I've listed you'll be able to gauge my budget).
The ALesis multimix Firewire is discontinued. The Boss unit is a stand-alone recorder, from what you are describing, it would make no sense to get this.
Tascam US-600 (I'd suggest the US-800, but it's now out of production)
Cheers for the response. I've been reading the noob sticky thread 'Intro to interface recording' which has helped heaps.

Just done some reading on the TASCAM US600 you've recommended. Thanks for this, as it's exactly the type of feedback I was looking for.

So am I right in thinking that using the TASCAM US600 I can mic up 4 instruments (via SM57s), and have those four output to separate tracks in my DAW simultaneously? (recording each track in a live jam setting).

From my laymen understanding of all this, I think the answer is YES. I'm looking to take the plunge and make the purchase this week.

EDIT: Also, if an interface is now out of production, how does this impact me as an end user? .... could it possibly mean that as my DAW updates, the audio interface drivers will not, and thus could potentially no longer work with my preferred DAW? (asking as the US800 would be ideal)
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yes, the US-600 will allow you to record 4 mics separately to your DAW. 'Out of production' just means that it's harder to find them new. I got my US-800 a few weeks ago, and glad I got in at the end of its life!
try for one of the us-800 got mine a couple weeks ago they might still have some in stock. works great on my mac mini with logic pro 9. it's turning out to the the most bang for your buck 100 dollars that i've spent on my setup.
try for one of the us-800 got mine a couple weeks ago they might still have some in stock. works great on my mac mini with logic pro 9. it's turning out to the the most bang for your buck 100 dollars that i've spent on my setup.

Looks like they're finally gone ... thankfully I picked one up a few weeks ago.
Thanks for all the help. I've snapped up a brand new one via ebay. Looking forward to it arriving. Anyone interested in grabbing one ebay has a fair few still, whilst so does

So mjbphotos and JhawkBass, you guys have had no issue recording multiple tracks with this puppy (my main concern is the usb2.0 perhaps not being fast enough to process it all....but guess this would have come up in the billion reviews I read).

Thanks again!