Complement to V67g?


New member
I'm looking for a second mic to complement my MXL v67g. The v67 actually does a pretty decent job on my voice--the mid-range "mushiness" gives me a little bit of warmth and adds some depth to the thinner qualities of my voice. Also, on the plus side, I find the high end to be a little rounded, which I like a lot. But, there are some songs where the v67 doesn't feel all the way "there"--it sounds a bit too warm or mushy.

Here's what I've tried so far:

Studio Projects C1: pretty nice in the mids, but the high end was way too brittle and hyped. It was like staring at the sun.

CAD M179: I was surprised by this one. It's a really nice "all-purpose" mic and would be a great choice for a first LDC. It is pretty neutral on my voice--doesn't hurt, but doesn't really help either. It just doesn't have that "something" that would make me grab it for my voice.

AT 3035: I like the "open-ness" of this mic, but I found the lows and mids a little lacking. There's also a weird honking in the mid-range on some tracks. Further, the open-ness in the high end, which sounds great when the track is solo'd, sounds kind of "disembodied" with the full arrangement. The vocal seems to float over the top of the mix rather than settle into it.

So, I think I'm looking for something that has well-defined mids, but rounded off high end. I HATE that crispy, brittle high end so common in some of the cheapies.

So, what should I try next? ADK Hamburg? AT 4040 or 4033? Or maybe a tube mic?
roygbiv said:
So, I think I'm looking for something that has well-defined mids, but rounded off high end. I HATE that crispy, brittle high end so common in some of the cheapies.

Audio Technica 4050 is your mic.

Wow, the 4050 looks very nice. It's a bit out of my price range, though. I guess I should have mentioned that I can't spend more than $300.
I have a pair of 4050s and they are very accurate. They aren't super warm on the top end though and I think that is what you are looking for. Whenever I do a first take on a new song so that I can remember what I have written the next day/week/month I set up the 4050 at Adam's Apple height about 18" out and play acoustic guitar and sing just as though I was doing a live act in my living room. I never cease to be amazed at how good those rough tracks sound just sung into one mic and sent to one track. I'm done rambling. :o I hope this helps you find what you are looking for. ;)
roygbiv said:
Wow, the 4050 looks very nice. It's a bit out of my price range, though. I guess I should have mentioned that I can't spend more than $300.
Yes, you can! Don't settle for less, buy cheap, buy often!
i was going to recommend you try a BLUE dragonfly, which in my experience seems to be a great yin to the V67's yang.....but it's definitely out of your price range. it's got a wonderful high end that's not at all harsh--quite lovely, really.

another one you might want to try is the MXL V77.....a lot more "open" sounding than the V67, but also a lot more "neutral" in that what goes in comes out.

if you like the "coloring" of the V67 might want to try the V69. describing it, it's "more of the same" things you might like about the V77......but i wouldn't call it a "complementary" mic.

AKG C2000B- A whole different animal, now down to $129 "buy it now" on ebay.
It may very well do exactly what you are asking for.-Richie
roygbiv said:
Wow, the 4050 looks very nice. It's a bit out of my price range, though. I guess I should have mentioned that I can't spend more than $300.

Then you could probably get in to a 4040. They're pretty similar; maybe a tad brighter, but still pretty full in the mids and not really hyped on top (certainly nothing like most of the cheapos on the market).

mrface2112 said:
another one you might want to try is the MXL V77.....a lot more "open" sounding than the V67, but also a lot more "neutral" in that what goes in comes out.

where can you find a v77 these days?
If you can, try the AT4033; it's right in there at $300. Great on mids for lower register male vocals.
I use my at4033 or Cad M37(Basically the same as the M177) when I want a different vibe for vocals. To me the v67 tends to sound better on female vocals. Like some people suggested already, you should check out the at4040 or at4033 because if you like the M179 the audio technica mics may give you the little extra something you're looking for.