Compatible Control surfaces


New member
Hi ppl, I manage several Guitar studios fulltime, and I have been redeveloping my interest in home recording. Thats why I joined this forum ysterday. Currently I have a PowerMac G5 and have been playing around with Garageband 2.

While there are more powerful programs out there like SoundTrack pro and Logic 7.1 I am thinking of 'recutting' my teeth so to speak, on Garageband first. Once I have spent some time on this, I am considering going to either Logic Pro or M-Audio M Powered.

I have icontrol as a basic control surface, however I am investigating if there is a larger more powerful control surface that is compaitible with Garageband. I have been looking at M-Audio ProjectMix and Mackie Universal Control which I already know are compatible with these more powerful programs. If anyone knows if these control surfaces will work with Garageband as well, I would very much appreciate to know.

Thanks for your time
I'm using a Tascam FW-1884 and I'm very happy with it. You can also check out the Tascam US2400. Its worth noting that the FW-1884 like the ProjectMix are complete interfaces, while the Mackie and US-2400 are just control surfaces
Yes, I have owned and used the Tascam FW-1884 about a year and a half ago myself. Great unit. Just not sure if there is any ompatibility with that and Garageband. I know Logic should be fine.

I could easily sell my Firewire 410 and iControl and pay just a few hundred more to go back to the 1884, so it would be tempting-if it does support what I need it to support....