Comp Cd Shipping!!!!


New member
The wife and I made up about 95 units thumbnails are almost gone from tearing apart jewel cases :)

I then prepackaged about 30 and am now hitting the sack.

It's official, the COMP CD HAS BEEN RELEASED!

Slackmaster 2000
OH ...... FREAKIN' ..... YEAH!!!!!

I'm going to be camping out by my mailbox until they arrive!!!!

Slack, I'm sure you're getting tired of all the ass kissing over this but THANK YOU! I can't wait to listen to, and see, the finished product.
My ass never gets tired :) :)

The bulk of them should ship over the course of next week. They will all ship via regular USPS mail just like last time. I *may* do delivery confirmation if I do my labels on line (dc is free online), so if you get a note in your mailbox don't be afraid!

In fact, my goal is to ship all current orders by the end of next week, which will make turnaround for new orders pretty fast. Granted I don't yet have the funds to order the remaining 200 jewel cases, but if I get any orders over 100 I will simply run down to staples and buy a few cases so that the orders can keep going out smoothly, then the money from the orders can be used to bulk order the cases.

Tonight I will update the comp cd website to reflect the release, so you can point your friends & family & whatever at it so that we can sell some more units! Sell sell sell!!!

Slackmaster 2000
We will force the members of this so-called BBS to submit to the will of Comp C/D and offer their monies to the SM2K Entity (All Funds Due Unto Him).
Woohoo, I kin hardly wait. Man these'll be the only tunes I've been able to purchase in 3 months. I'm sure it'll have been worth the wait.