Commodore 64 MIDI DAW!


New member
I think this post actualy belongs here..


What? That old junk?

Yes, indeed. The Commodore 64 was a fully programmable, 3 voice and 1 noise, polyphonic, multi-effect (via extremely rapid arpeggio) 8-bit semi-digital synthesiser with 1 bit 'retro' sampling facility.

Plus bung in MIDI cartridges, oscillation knobs, intelligent composition software, additional synth plug-ins, printer for notation work and then loop all that in with the other MIDI equipment you have and you've got more power to your elbow.

Indeed, most of Concept Single 9 was composed or recorded with the Commie using its own synth or running MIDI out to other units.

I urge you to Ebay away until you own this lot too because the sounds are very unique.

See pix and hear trax:
I was really excited about the synth capabilities of the C-64 back in 1982. :cool:

I made a stab at programming my own sequencer in 6502 code using the system clock as the timer.... :eek:

The sounds all sounded the same after a while. Meanwhile, my friends were busy making much cooler sounds using the Sequential Circuits synth... :o

My C-64 is still working last time I took it out of the original box. ;)
Funny, this is where I got started with computers and music. Of course my music skills were MUCH worse back then. I never had a good sequencer, so I was never able to do much with it. I did at one point have a midi interface which I connected to a synth, but not much came from that.

It is good to see they have not died completly.