Comments on the mix of my latest tune...

sounds good but, don't be afraid to give more presence to the vocal and bring them out some more, also the instruments seen to not have focus maybe the reverb what are you using? it sound like the vocals and the music are disconnected, so if you do give the vocals more presence they'll even sound more disconnteced. could also use fine tuning on levels.
The percussion has more presence than the vocal. I know there's a very laid back feel to this BUT you need to give the melody some prominence. From a personal standppoint - unless you're try to conjure up images of Yes or Starcastle - I'd change the synth sample it's very 1974 & not really suited to the song.
Thanks for the comments

I'll take a look at that vocal some more. I'm using the Lexicon Pantheon LE reverb that comes with Sonar Studio. As far as the synths go, I used Artura's Minimoog for that and that would explain the 1970's sound. I just liked the way the texture was laying with the distorted guitar. I'll play around with some other stuff and see what turns out.

Here's an updated one...

When I went back and listened to the mix I realized that I didn't have the wasn't even sending the vocal through the reverb. It should sound spatially better now. I also changed the minimoog lead to a tempo sync'd synth. Let me know what you think.

Another Try
Sounds better! Now about that reverb... maybe you could try playing around with the Damping and/or diffusion, seams the topend of the reverb is a little too lively/washy. Would still like too see the vocals up a little, maybe try a little boost in the upper range to make them cut though more.