combo to power speaker cab?


New member
hey, i was talking to a friend at school, and he said that a 65watt Fender could power a marshall cab, and that he's done it before. i have 2 fender princeton 112plus's, but they dont have a speaker out on them. i really need a half stack now that i'm playing bigger venues, but i'm on a tight budget. i was thinking i'd buy a cab, then sell my amps and buy a head.

but my amps only have, Headphones, Footswitch, Preamp out, Power Amp In.

can that power a 4x12 cab?

You have to have a speaker out to do this...

I power a Marshall 1960a with a Fender Pro Jr often. It breaks up very easily, and thats why I like to record with the setup. As long as it has a speaker out, you can try it. But if it blows something up, don't blame me!!:D
I have never had a problem doing it, though. I also run a 1969 (or so) Twin Reverb through a Fender GE412 cab, which is a 4x12 config, in addition to using the internal speakers. That has given me a cool sound also!

Your amp doesn't have a speaker out? So the speakers are hard-wired? Weird. I've never had an amp like that before. They've all had a speaker out that the speaker was plugged into, which you could remove to plug into a cab of the same impedance.
I drive a 4x12 cabinet with a 22 watt tube amp. It sounds huge. Like the guy before me said, you can get power tube break up a lot easier with a 15 or 25 watt amp than a 100 watt amp...without pissing everyone off.