Combine takes within a track

Stefan A

New member
I punched in a small section and created a second take. I deleted the take I did not want. Now I have an empty space where the old take was. How do I get rid of that space and combine everything so it looks like one take?
The easiest way is to select all the stuff yo want to keep, the go 'Edit'/'Glue item'.

However, I'm not sure how you've gone about doing your punch-in. A screen shot would be handy.
Sounds like you might have deleated the take you wanted.
Check your edit history first and go back a couple steps untill yousee the two takes again.

I tried "explode all takes to new tracks" and that seemed to do the trick. Definitely did not delete wrong take. Because the program constantly crashes, I have to close the program, save, and reopen again. So, undo history is gone. I will try the glue technique some other time. Because of nudging, splitting, and joining, I've messed up the recording anyway and will have to start over.

Probably should start a new thread for this but I'll try here first. If I only want to nudge one small section of one track, is the correct technique to split the section I want to nudge, then nudge it?
