Colfax Ave.

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I was going for sort of a John Prine thing here... mostly interested in comments regarding vocal performance and vocal level in the mix. Also does the overall arrangement work for you?

You can mention other things, too, of course.....

The link below will take you to the music page on my site. From there you can download the song (third down in the right column) or stream it by clicking the little play button.

Peace and love!

Colfax Ave

colfax avenue

the single file line

gotta room with a view of tomorrow

but how do you tell the window

from the mirror on the wall

it's a two-way street

but there's only one way to fall

and i took a mean spill

right in to the land fill

with all the other white trash dudes

with the tumbleweeds on colfax avenue

the cold hard facts of life

seventeen miles long

shuckin' my honky jive on the corner

drllin' down to the joke inside

a laugh from yesterday

it's a two-way street, man

you gotta go your own way

and i took a mean spill

right in to the land fill

with all the other white trash dudes

with the tumbleweeds on colfax avenue

i've felt the wind blow in a million

different ways at once

time is capable of pulling off

some awful stunts

like a starbucks opening up

yeah, but you can tell by the roof

that place used to be a pizza hut in a past life

and there's a little of me scattered all around

the salvage yard out back

it's a two-way street

a big swap meet on colfax

and i took a mean spill

right in to the land fill

with all the other white trash dudes

with the tumbleweeds on colfax avenue
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Reactions: XLR
dontcha just love denver??? a buddy used to live @ 2 blocks off of colfax by that theatre that did rocky horror midnite shows....
your taking the piss right... you want comments on the mix.... well ok i would put a bit more timbre on the snare... sounds great ..bob would be proud.
Great blues tune, wonderful slide guitar work, love it! Mix sounds fine to me, maybe the snare could be little less muffled, but it still sounds great.

Joey :):):):)
Hey guys,

Thanks so much for all of your observations and thoughts. I just uploaded what's more-or-less the fifth version of the song. There have been several things I changed and then changed back, but I would say that this ulitmately has become a much dryer mix overall.

d -- Denver ... not without its charm.

XLR -- Thanks! I tried to thin out the low-mid area a little.

S -- Thanks! I've gotten a wide range of response to the vocal... so I've decided to just leave it as is for now.

z -- Thanks man... I think I sharpenned up the drums a bit now.

j -- Thanks for the kind words. Just want to be sure, though... you're talking about "Colfax Ave", right, and not "Howlin' Wolf", which plays automatically on my site? I only ask because you mentioned it as a blues song.. which I don't think I would say about "Colfax Ave."... just checking!

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