"cliphorn" speakers?


New member
anyone ever heard of them? may be spelled differently..

just curious, as the kids boyfriend was flapping about them, saying their the biggest, most power speakers ever made..LOl..I`ve never even heard of them?
First the serious answer: he means Klipschorn by Klipsch. They make very top end home stereo gear and good PA gear.

Now for the silly answer: He could be referring to something made for car stereos, you know the 5000 watt sub that you can buy for $159.99. I once bought a small portable plastic stereo for the workshop that had a sticker on it proudly saying it was 300 Watts. We left the sticker on as it was the source of much laughter, if fact I picked that one coz it had the sticker, more like 0.3 watts in reality.

Klipschorns are Klipsch speakers that are designed to go in the corners of a room and use the walls as extended baffles for the horn loaded LF section. They've been around since before stereo sound was common.
okay cool..thanks for the replys...

I figured that was what he might have been talking about...well "Klipsch" anyway, as I was`nt familiar with the Klipschorns...

do they make VERY large speakers?...he was describing something that would have to be an 18, as he was looking at my 15`s, and saying the Klipschorns were much much larger....

just curious...
do they make VERY large speakers?...he was describing something that would have to be an 18, as he was looking at my 15`s, and saying the Klipschorns were much much larger....

just curious...

Yes, they are not small. The ones I've seen kind of look like an old Peavey SP-3 but in a nice wood finish.
Klipschorns are Klipsch speakers that are designed to go in the corners of a room and use the walls as extended baffles for the horn loaded LF section. They've been around since before stereo sound was common.
I had a pair I built for a very long time ........ best bass ever since you were essentially standing inside the speaker cab.
Even with low powered amps at moderate volumes the bass was room shaking. I loved them but they will only work right if you have a room that allows setting a cab in each corner.
The 'Chorns were very wide -- They're nowhere near the "biggest most powerful" speakers...

For instance, my Tyler D1's, which aren't even the largest in the Decade line, are much taller, go considerably lower, freakishly higher, handle much more power, have a flatter response, etc., etc., etc. Although I think the Klipschorns are about 2 pounds heavier if you don't include the base blocks... The prices are close but there are better speakers (such as the Tylers) for that sort of $$$.

Anyway -- They're "classics" -- For their time, they were quite friggin' cool (they're still quite friggin' cool in a sort of nostalgic way). And they don't exactly sound like crap (although I wouldn't actually want to work on them, as they're not as accurate and consistent as many other speakers in that price range). They're "fun" - They're big-sounding, big-space, easy to listen to - and it's actually kind of cool that they're still in production (I didn't know that).
They're "fun" - They're big-sounding, big-space, easy to listen to -
yeah ..... you wouldn't want to mix on them but for just sitting and playing music and listening to it ...... they sure are fun.

Back then (I had mine from around 1970 ) though, they were among the best that was out there at that time. But those EV tweeters that we were all so impressed with .... unless I'm mistaken they only went up to maybe 18k or so.