Client's comfort in the studio


New member
Hey guys...

I spent a week in California with my friend who is a creative director for an advertising agency. Over the course of the time I was with him, I toured 3 different studios. Each one was mainly designed for post production audio, but these suites were incredible! The thing that amazed me most was the amount of hospitality they offered their clients. Each one had at least one fullservice kitchen with staff caterers. One of the facilities I toured had a seperate fullsize kitchen for each of the 4 post suites.

What do you guys think? I have a futon and a mini refrigerator stocked with water, but I'm rarely working with people who are paying me. What amentities do you offer your clients??
I'll give 'em a free spritz of RAID if they happen to pick up any bugs while sitting on the couch.

Sometimes, when the wind is blowing this way from the toxic waste site, I'll let 'em use an old dust mask to cover their mouths and noses........... you'd be amazed how many foks have sneezed into that old thing.


I have a problem with bugs in my studio too. About a month ago, I put a new toilet and sink in the bathroom down there but its far from luxurious.
One of the facilities I toured had a seperate fullsize kitchen for each of the 4 post suites.

......thats why CD's from major studios and artists cost so pay for the food.:D Never ceases to amaze me how the other half records.:p