Client says "I can't hear meself in the headphones"


New member
Ok, when I had a client come over, they say "I can't hear myself in the headphones" So i set up a aux track to give them a little.

But how can I do it so I can turn them up as loud as they want me to in their headphones???

I have digi001 and that is where I have their headphones hooked up to, and i use protools LE.

I use my mixer and an independent headphone amp. Sometimes what clients need to hear and what the engineer needs to hear are two different things. I use the Oz Audio HM6, which has a main stereo input and 4 aux inputs which allow the artist to customize his/her own headphone mix.
I don't know your whole set-up, but you might need to use some of the other outs on the Digi001 besides 1/2.

But here's how I do it with my set up. I have most everything hooked up to patch bays. The main mixer out goes to the main stereo inputs of the headphone amp. I then use an aux send on the channel I'm using to track vox (or guitar or whatever) to send the signal to one of the aux inputs on the headphone amp. Now the artist can turn himself up or down while the main stereo mix stays the same level. See?
Also remember to check polarity on singers' phones. One way can tend to cancel out quite a lot of what they hear.
i have one headphone mix for however many people come over, so i preface any tracking session with,

"you will not be happy with the headphone mix"
i tell them that we'll just have to get the best we can,
i've never had a big problem, people are pritty understanding when you let them know whats up.
Can't you just jack up the volume once you record enable the track. I used to think that actually caused the track to record louder but it doesn't. I just get all the levels right and when the singer mutters those famous words I move the volume up. Problem solved.
jonnyc said:
Can't you just jack up the volume once you record enable the track. I used to think that actually caused the track to record louder but it doesn't.
Not all systems are set up the same. If I tried that with mine it would change the record level.
He did however say he was working with ptle, and so do I. So I was just trying to give him the easiest answer I know.
I just send my auxiliary mix into a little headphone amp in my vocal booth, I make sure that whoever is wearing headphones knows we're the AMP is and how to turn it up!
-create an aux track in pro tools
-create aux sends on all the channels you want sent to the headphones. set them pre fader
-bus all the aux sends to the main aux track which will be your cue master.
-mix the aux sends however the singer wants. more vocals up, guitar quieter, bass louder, etc.
-set the outputs of the aux track to outputs 7/8 on the 001 (or whatever you're not using at the time).
-Run those two cables into your headphone amp. if you have a single stereo input on your headphone amp you will need to run a Y cable out of the 001 into a 1/4" TRS cable.
don't mean to jack this thread, but look at my perdiciment:

aardvark Q10. It's really hard to hear the source you are recording in the phones while it's being recorded (overtop what is already laid down on the computer). People love to hear themselves in the phones, and they love everything loud as hellllllllllllll.

The only way I can get even close to a decent audible level of the source (usually vocals is what most people want to be hearing) and the rest of the song already recorded, I have to turn the stuff in Vegas way down, and turn the source all the way up in the aardvark panel (but it only goes to +6db), and turn up the outs in the panel (another +6db), and crank the headphone knob on the rack all the way up!

It is rediculous, and I hate to do that, haha. It doesn't sound good, but it's the only way I can get it to work. I can't seem to find a way to go through my mixer to get this to work...any ideas? ha.

btw - I'm using either pre's on the Q10 or sometimes the DMP2. And the mixer is a crappy mx802a (behringer), so I want to avoid anything on the mixer that will effect what's being recorded...ha!
shackrock said:
..btw - I'm using either pre's on the Q10 or sometimes the DMP2. And the mixer is a crappy mx802a (behringer), so I want to avoid anything on the mixer that will effect what's being recorded...ha!
What I do is split the output of the outboard pre's, one goes to the mixer for monitoring, along with a stereo return of the mix to another pair in the mixer. Blend to taste.
I prefer the "Blister Method" of taping headphones to people's heads and running it thru a 500 watt power amp until it burns their ears. That'll learn 'em.