Clearing the cobwebs


New member
Over the past 2 months I have been hip deep in several mixing projects, spending hours every day in deep listening, deliberating over minutia and have declared a holiday weekend from work.
I have been listening to my favorite stuff: Steely Dan, now Weather Report not sure where i will go next.
What do you listen to when you need a break inspiration? Or do you listen perhaps you go fishing?
When I'm taking a break from mixing the last thing I want to do is listen to music ! In saying that though, if I'm mixing during the week, the next day I'll be delivering stuff and as I drive about London, I'll be listening to whatever I'm listening to. It could be Weather Report or Bob Dylan or Little purple circles or Melanie or the Jackson 5 or the Stones or Kaleidoscope {the UK or US one !} or whatever I've selected for the day.