Clearing recently used files...


New member
I am trying to find out how to clear the recently used files that come up in the "file" drop down menu.

Any help?
Warning: if you're not used to working with regedit, DON'T TOUCH IT!


Startup regedit and find this key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Home Studio\2004.0\Recent File List

(or Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR* \Recent File List if you're using SONAR. You can search for filenames too, to find the correct registry entry I mean)

* help me out here with the correct name, Moskus or James!

Anyway, delete the entries and they're gone.

Why do you want to do this?
Pedullist said:
* help me out here with the correct name, Moskus or James!

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Sonar\2.0\Recent File List

And yeah, why do you want to do this?
thanks guys. it worked surely enough.

why you ask? hahah - i'm just embarassed by some of the crappy stuff ive recorded - and my brother is coming over to use my computer for recordign for a few days. :rolleyes: