Cleaning Supplies


New member
Now it's time for me to go out and buy all the things I need to go with my new keyboard. I've got all the technical stuff covered from the manuals, but they don't mention anything about keeping it clean. Not playing it IS NOT and option ;) , so... anybody have a good idea of a cleaner that is safe with both the keys and metal of the keyboard? I've got a little mini-vac for dust, but fingerprints? I have a two-year old and five-year old at home...

PS Still haven't gotten past the presets (good thing I have the next week off!)

Ok. I've answered my own question at Motifator (baby wipes for the metal and Glass-plus for the keys...and a dust cover). However, now I can't delete the thread. I go to the edit thread option... what do I do next?
Just leave it here. The next time someone does a search on keyboard cleaning this will pop up - be sure you leave the answer posted too.
The dust cover is probably the most important item you can buy for a keyboard. Dust is a real killer of keyboard actions, because it can get into the contacts and sensors. That means a trip to the repair shop!

I work in all sorts of dirty and dusty environments (they are called theaters), and have had to have my Roland A-70 cleaned. It's not cheap to ahve that done!