Clean combo amp suggestions

The new Ampeg Jet and Rocket both have plenty of clean headroom and a great singing tone. Give one of those a listen if you can. These are great alternatives to Fender amps.

I also want to give a shoutout for the Peavey Classic 30. This is a very good value in an amp. It knows just what to do with pedals. Plenty of volume.
Fender and Line 6 were what I was initially thinking. I had a Fender Princeton Chorus at one point...and I gave the damn thing away, thinking that my new cab setup made it obsolete. Boy, that was stupid...:o
Man, I had a Princeton Chorus for almost 20 years. That amp was bulletproof, and was pretty loud for 2 X 25W. Mine was pristine, and I sold it this year on craigslist for $200. A Fender Ultimate Chorus (2 X 65W) can be had for less than $300 used, and is definitely loud enough to gig with.

Fender's clean sound is hard to beat. I could turn the clean channel up to 10, and it would barely be breaking up.

The amp I replaced it with is a VOX Valvetronix 50W. With 11 amp models on it, and a tube power amp, it has everything I need for clean and dirty. Brand new, it was $450 CAN, so around $380 USD.

I have a Princeton Stereo Chorus and it's great.

I'm glad I kept mine.:p

Oh yeah and Purge should just get a silent amp,it's what his playing needs.