cinematic track- mix check

I did listen a while ago. I was impressed and enjoyed the track. But I really had no suggestions to make. It is what it is. It could be mixed differently, but it would still be a cinematic soundscape, just with a slightly different sound.

The important thing is that it fits the purpose of what it is intended to be used for
In terms of ways to improve the mix, there were two main things that struck me.

Firstly, the low end's all a bit muddy and indistinct. A piece like this really needs to be crystal clear throughout and I thought it got a bit lost down there.

Secondly, the big clashing sounds at intervals throughout seemed like they were going to signal in a change up in the song, but didn't. I wondered if you had automated the whole mix volume down following cymbal clashes. Like for example at around 0.36, where there's a big big crash and then suddenly the song sounds small within about a second?

Not sure if whether I'm expressing myself very clearly here, but I hope it makes some sense/helps.
Sounds okay to me but, for a cinema project, it's impossible to judge without seeing the images. Just as an example, robgreen's point about the crashes may be valid...or maybe they coincide to something big on the screen and aren't designed to stand alone as a music track.

How will this be used? If it's for somebody else's film, there's a good chance they'll ask you for stems to use in the final mix rather than something you mix yourself.
Ironically, as I typed the above I was watching the extras at the end of a Blu-ray of Gravity and, right after hitting post, came to a section on how they did the sound.

When they get to scoring the film, there's a perfect example of what I was trying to say--their example was the re-entry sequence and, initially we just heard music with lots of fairly non sequitur bangs and crashes. Then they showed it with the pictures and each bang or crash went with action on the screen--hitting the atmosphere, parachute opening, rocket going off, that sort of thing. With the pics, the score worked really well.
thanks rob for the feed, getting this track crystal clear is thing struggling most on esp the low end, using lots of orchestral wet samples which finding tough to get sound good, imma try my best to get it cleaner, where u mentioned got small all of a sudden bass vol went down there imma turn up that note, and bobbsy its more of a stand alone since this isnt gonna be with picture, thanks guys
too much sub bass, and it's a bit soft at times, it lacks 3k and also sounds a bit distant at times, could be cleaner sounding, apart from that I like it.