Cinematic ambiance


New member
The quesion is simple - the answer can be complex...
Here it comes:
What effects/methods are used to get the cinema sound-from a STEREO system (example Dynaudio 2.1).

I have several classical compositions/mixes (strings/horns/flutes/trumpet/timpanis... with drum grooves, synths...) and they sound fine, but they miss the cinematic sound.

Any help is very much appretiated.

I know the sound you are talking about, but I'm not sure there's a simple "recipe" for it.

My first suggestion would be to listen to movie mixes on headphones. That will help you to hear exactly what's going on better.

Music is generally panned hard right and left in movie mixes, with the dialogue going in the center. So if you pan everything like a movie mix you'll end up with a big hole in the center.

There's also a bit more reverb than usual, due to the fact that the dialogue, foley and fx tends to eat up reverb.

So I'd suggest going a little heavier on the reverb than usual. You also might try panning things a bit extra wide, or even experiment with a stereo widener type of processor.

But really, I think the best thing is to listen to some movies on headphones and then try to imitate that.
I have Stormdrum and it's a great program. That's a good example of the over-sized kind of production that helps give the cinematic feel to a production.
I am talking about music mixed in "PURE" STEREO with cinematic feel.
Thanks for the Wavearts links.

Thanks for drawing my attention towards Stormdrums.

Thanks for the hints.

Any further elaboration is welcome.

try reverb on stuff WITHOUT the lows high passed/low shelved. That kind of reverb on like a timpani or orchestra hit might sound kewl.
trifidmaster said:
I am talking about music mixed in "PURE" STEREO with cinematic feel.
Thanks for the Wavearts links.

Then I'm guessing you want something like the Waves stereo processor that was already posted?

There's another one for about $200 that I think is better. It's called AMPHIOTIK. Used for HRTF (binaural) processing on stereo signals. You can actually mix an entire song in 3D when it's actually still a stereo file.

Although, it still isn't as good as a true binaural recording or jecklin disk recording.